Обновилась Retroshare Portable 0.5.1d.4336 ML/Rus, являющейся кросс-платформенной программой, с открытым исходным кодом, децентрализованной без серверной коммуникационной платформой, обеспечивающая совместное использование файлов, чатов, сообщений, форумов и каналов. Она позволяет проводить чаты и обмениваться файлами с друзьями и семьей, используя Web-of-Trust подлинности ваших собеседников и OpenSSL для шифрования всех коммуникаций, обеспечивая полную конфиденциальность и безопасность.
Особенности: * Вне серверные (Serverless), зашифрованные чат и передача файлов * Несколько одновременных загрузок / добавлений * Поиск друзей * Передача мгновенных сообщений * Полная поддержка форума * Поддержка UPnP / NAT-PMP переадресации портов * GnuPG аутентификация * Шифрование OpenSSL * Поддержка плагинов * Графический пользовательский интерфейс, написанный с инструментарием Qt4 * Интеграция в системный лоток
Что такое RetroShare?
RetroShare является сетью обмена следующего поколения, которая предусматривает: * Надежная идентификация и аутентификация ваших друзей. * Плюс Схема приспособления (Introduction Scheme), которая соединяет вас с друзьями ваших друзей и способствует росту сети. * Шифрование связи, обеспечивая доступность передаваемой информаци только для вас и ваших коллег. * Платформа связи, которая потенциально может предоставлять вспомогательные услуги, такие как секретная почта (Secure Email), совместное использование файлов, воспроизведение потокового видео и голоса по IP, фото, сообщениями и пр * Децентрализованные Социальные Сети Обмена (Social Sharing Network) разработана **Для Людей**, не зависят не от какой любой корпоративной системы или центрального сервера.
Зачем использовать RetroShare: * Вы хотите общаться и обмениваться файлами безопасно с друзьями * Только ваши друзья смогут видеть и загружать файлы, которые вы разделяете. * RetroShare является без серверной, что означает - в отличие от других служб, вам не нужно регистрироваться, раздражают большие формы регистрации и получения тонн объявлений. Отправка ключа к вашему другу по электронной почте достаточно, чтобы создать свою собственную сеть обмена мгновенными сообщениями. Это также означает, что не будет IM спама, потому что люди, которых вы не пригласили абсолютно не могут подключиться. * Вы также можете использовать ваш любимый ник, т.к нет необходимости использовать загадочные вымышленные имена * RetroShare зашифрована, имеет высокую конфиденциальность и никто, в том числе ваши Провайдеры, не смогут увидеть, какими файлами вы обмениваетесь. * Вы можете иметь безопасный обмен мгновенными сообщениями и обмен файлами для малых рабочих групп. * Вы будете иметь надежный чат и обмен файлами с другими коллегами по работе, даже тем, которое вы раньше не могли доверить публичным чатам в сети, как Live, Google Chat и пр. * Не хотите ни каких хлопот по установке и поддержанию собственного чат-сервера? Используйте RetroShare. - RetroShare является без серверной, что означает, что сервер нет и никогда, и ни кто не получит возможность увидеть ваши данные. Любой чат-сервер, независимо от того, насколько он является безопасным, создает риск утечки данных из-за атаки хакеров. RetroShare полностью устраняет эту угрозу безопасности, связанную с чат-серверами, без каких-либо дополнительных затрат. - RetroShare шифрует все соединения, это означает, сто каждый бит данных зашифрован из конца в конец. В отличие от других программ с использованием самодельного шифрования, RetroShare использует специальную промышленную стандартную версию библиотек OpenSSL, которой доверяют банки и другие организации. - Абсолютно никаких поставщиков: у вас есть своя RetroShare сет. Не требуется третьих сторонних поставщиков, которым Вы должны заплатить, или которые могут выйти из бизнеса и заставить вас перейти на другой продукт.
RetroShare is a Open Source cross-platform, private and secure decentralised communication platform. It lets you to securely chat and share files with your friends and family, using a web-of-trust to authenticate peers and OpenSSL to encrypt all communication.
RetroShare provides filesharing, chat, messages, forums and channels.
Features: * Serverless, encrypted Chat & Filetransfer * Multiple simultaneous downloads / uploads * Search Friends * Messages * Forums * UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support * GnuPG Authentication * OpenSSL Encryption * Plugins support * Graphical User Interface written with Qt4 toolkit * System tray integration
What is RetroShare?
RetroShare is the next generation sharing network, which provides: * Reliable Identification and Authentication of your friends. * Plus an Introduction Scheme which connects you to the friends of your friends, and facilitates network growth. * Encrypted Communication, ensuring all shared information is known only to you and your peers. * A Communication Platform which can potentially support services such as Secure Email, File Sharing, Streaming, Video or Voice over IP, Photos, Wall and Messaging * A Decentralised Social Sharing Network designed **For the People** with no dependancies on any corporate system or central servers.
Why use RetroShare: * You want to chat and share files securely with your friends * Only your friends will be able to see and download files that you share. * RetroShare is serverless, which means - unlike other messengers, you don't* need to register, complete annoying registration forms and receive tons of ads. Sending a key to your friend by e-mail is enough to set up your own IM network. This also means no IM spam, because people you didn't invite absolutely cannot connect. * You can also use your favorite nick name either: no need to use cryptic names like "john.smith148@something.com" just because someone (whom you don't even know) snapped your favorite nick before you. * RetroShare is encrypted, meaning high privacy: nobody, including your ISP, can see what files you're sharing. * You need secure instant messaging and files exchange for a small workgroup. * You need to chat securely and exchange files with other colleagues at work, but do not trust your data to a public chat network like Live or Google Chat ? * Don't want a hassle of installing and maintaining your own chat server either ? Use RetroShare instead: - RetroShare is serverless , which means that no server, ever, gets to see your data. Any IM server, no matter how secure, poses a risk of data leak because of hacker's attack. Retroshare completely eliminates this security risk associated with the IM server, without any added costs. - RetroShare encrypts all connections, which means every bit of data is encrypted end-to-end. Unlike other products using self-made weak encryption, RetroShare uses a special version of industry standard Openssl library, trusted by banks and other organizations. - Absolutely no vendor lock-in: you own your RetroShare network. There is no 3rd party vendor whom you have to pay, or who may go out of business and force you to migrate to another product.
* Found the CacheTransfer Killing Bug... misplaced brackets! * fixed a bug in pqissl and pqistreamer. The 2nd one was responsible for disconnections and errors in GetTlvString type * Fixed the Missing Cache File bug. * Added Old Cache Storage... so these can be retrieved. * Connected up the CancelCacheFile() -> FileCancel. * Removed ipaddr = 1 bug * added #ifdefs to remove debugging output in p3BitDht. * corrected uninitialized value * made "." be a plugin directory for debugging only * corrected display of uploaded size * made search case insentitive, by default * made the default behavior for multiple keywords search to eb an AND between keywords (emule style) * Fixed html title bug in the forum message when answering to a message in ForumMsgItem. * Fixed enabled sate of the new message buton in ForumsDialog. * moved Plugins page little bit to the top of the settings * PluginManager: * Fixed compile under Windows. * Removed CloseHandle of GetModuleHandle. * Added missing return when the function entry of the plugin is NULL. * Fixed checking for the extension ".dll". * Fixed reaction of the checkbox "web of trust". Now the list of unvalid gpg keys is shown or hide directly after the click. * Fixed calculation of the unread messages in MessagesDialog. The starred messages was not counted as unread. * Set some tree widgets to allColumnsShowFocus. * added settings page for plugins. * fixed LinksCloud Plugin * fixed plugin .pri file for windows and ubuntu * added dlopen method for windows. To be tested. * Added basic infrastructure to plugin system in libretroshare and retroshare-gui. * ported LinksCloud to a new plugin, and removed it from main sources * Made the hash-cache more compliant with mounted/network drives: * corrected bug that would wipe out the cache file every other start * missing root directories are not discarded anymore, but kept empty, unless the user really removes them * Reworked settings dialog: * The settings page loads the data with the first show. The dialog now starts faster. * Cleaned DirectoriesPage, removed the directory list and save the data with the OK button. * Automatic add the recommended friend(s) as CC in the MessageComposer. * Fixed crash in ForumsDialog (second try). * Added a "return" if QTreeWidgetItem = NULL, to stop crash. * Fixed crash in ForumsDialog (hopefully) * send plain text message instead of html, when the text contains no html specifics. * enabled new Spanish translation * Fixed refill of the threads tree after receiving a new message. * Now the new message is expanded. * Moved the fill function of the ForumsDialog to a QThread. * Fixed memory leak of the fill thread of the history browser. * cleaned display of TR statistics * Optimized the functions for the forum messages. - used "const std::string&" for the parameters - used "std::map" for the read status - removed useless variables * Added new define DEBUG_FORUMS in ForumsDialog.cpp. * Added function to generate mass data for the forum messages. * Fixed german language for the FriendsDialog. * Added a placeholder text to the message list in the MessagesDialog (currently used when Starred is selected). * Connected the menu actions reply, reply all and forward in MessagesDialog. Now they work again. * Added missing Q_OBJECT to TreeStyle_RDM and fixed translation. * MessagesDialog: - Renamed "Favorite Tags" to "Quick View". - Added the quick view "Starred" to the list to show all messages signed with a star. * Redesigned the MessagesDialog to open the message in a new tab or new window for reading. * The MessageComposer is now only for writing a new message or editing a message from the draft box. * Added a new setting to the MessagePage. * Added a second tab for Router Statistics * renamed Tunneling to Router Requests * added missing info for search depths * improved tunnel statistics gui * moved TR filtering to beginning of TR handlign function. Makes it more consistent w.t.r. the displayed turtle statistics * added automatic limitation of turtle search and turtle tunnel requests as a function of current traffic * added additional statistics from turtle router. * Moved the star to the first column in MessagesDialog. * Fixed debug output in FriendsDialog. * Show the selected tag in the tab title in MessagesDialog. * Included patch to compile on OpenSUSE 11.4 (from AsamK) * Added a star column for messages. * added a display of turtle search/tunnel requests over time, to help spotting potential spammers * Added to sort by Age when one day, one week or one month is selected * Fixed compile Problems on Ubuntu LTS * Added tags to the MessageComposer. * Added context menu to contact list in MessageComposer. * Show the RetroShare id of the peer and the signers of the key in ConfCertDialog as clickable links. * Disabled the CACHE_OPT code, until the duplicate cache entries is fixed. * re-worked printcache to analyse a large batch of cache files. * Added "Copy RetroShare Link" of the selected peer in PeersDialog and NetworkDialog. * Removed the + button in channels and forums and moved the post button to the right side. * Added tooltip's for Messages columns * Added word wrap to the title of the thread and the subject of the message to avoid the stretch of the splitter. * Changed style sheet of the tags in MessageDialog to gradient color. * Added a new button in the forums dialog to download all links in the selected forum message. * Fixed style sheet of auto download button in channels. * Removed the difference of the separator for Linux and Windows. * Removed extra "/" of the filename (e.g. "E://") of the hashed file when sharing a whole drive. * fixed bug related to opening cache hist file in text mode for windows * added cleaning of cipher context to authssl encrypt decrypt functions * added header to trustview which caused compilation error * Fixed drag and drop of files to a forum message with utf8 chars. * Fixed recommend friend. * fixed the layout of ForumMsgItem * added to RetroShare Help page new commands entry for "-r retroshare://..." * Fixed some more utf8 handling in the GUI. * Optimized creation of the RetroShare links for forum and channel messages. * added history cache optimisation to subscribed/client groups. * added couple more ifdefines to remove cache opt code. * fixed ForumsMsgItem to not stretch the widget * Added new RetroShare link format to write a message * retroshare://message?id=...[&subject=...] * Added clickable links in ForumMsgItem for the signer of the message to start the MessageComposer. * Fixed creation of the RetroShare links as anchor. * Corrected bugs in chat: - sending large messages now works, thanks to RsChatMsgItem splitting (not 100% backward compatible, but avoids crashing) - removed crash due to dynamic_cast onto a deleted pointer. * Enabled on Private Chat to display for the status string smileys, when there is smiley codes used. * Added new RetroShare link format to start a search retroshare://search?keywords=... * Enabled key "delete" to remove search results. * Removed the GoTo buttons from the feeds and added clickable links. * Enabled space to switch the read state in MessagesDialog and ForumsDialog. * Added the name and location to the title of the MainWindow. * Get the name and location for the window tile and tray tooltip only once at start. * Added title to the RetroShare file links shown as toolhelp "hash (size)". * added script to gather statistics from ppa repository * suppressed channel source ID from the file source peer list * updated base resolution of RS icon to 48x48 * Enabled drag and drop in ShareManager to add folders to the share. * improved strategy of cleaning unfinished cache transfers * fixed display inconsistency in tunnel local src/dst when getPeerDetails() call fails * always set location for connected peer. Previous settign was causing blank location display
Update: Jun 28, 2011 Platforms: Windows XP/Vista/7 Multilingual user interface (English, Russian, etc) Licence: Freeware Developer: retroshare.sourceforge.net Size: 13.82 Mb