Vidcoder - программа для записи на компьютер контента с DVD и Blu-Ray, использует HandBrake движок для кодировки файлов. VidCoder имеет более богатый пользовательский интерфейс, чем официальный HandBrake Windows GUI.
Основные особенности:
• Работает на движке HandBrake.
• Простой интерфейс.
• Преобразование DVD и Blu-Ray в файлы форматов MP4 или MKV.
• Возможность многопоточного кодирования.
• Возможность выбора битрейта видео, разрешения и количества кадров в секунду.
• Возможность 2-х проходного кодирования.
• Поддержка пакетного кодирования.
• Функция предпросмотра видео до начала конвертации.
VidCoder - is a DVD/Blu-ray ripping and video transcoding application for Windows. It uses HandBrake as its encoding engine. Calling directly into the HandBrake library gives it a more rich UI than the official HandBrake Windows GUI.

Change Info:
- All internal storage for presets, pickers, queues and window placements changed from XML to JSON. Saved presets and queues are now stored as .vjpreset and .vjqueue JSON files which are associated with VidCoder.
- Updated .NET Framework to 4.6 and added the ability to download and install the framework as part of the VidCoder install. Hopefully this means faster start times on x64 due to the new RyuJit engine.
- Changed from MVVM Light to Reactive UI, refactoring every ViewModel, and changing every message to instead rely on Observables. Hopefully in the long run this means fewer bugs with things not updating when they should.
- Overhauled window manager to have a simpler interface and dynamically open windows based on available area, instead of having prescribed spots for them.
- Added script to copy translated resource files and add them to the project in a Translations subfolder to keep the root Resource folder clean.
- Ran all views through XAML Styler to clean them up.
- Queue import/export are now exposed on the CLI.
- Fixed two pass encoding not working with Target Size.
- Improved behavior of VidCoder window when importing a queue or preset.
ОС: Windows® Vista, 7, 8.х, 10 (32/64-бит)
Требование: .NET Framework 4 или выше
Интерфейс: Multilanguage + Русский
Лекарство: Не требуется
Размер: 20.3/20.7 Mb
Скачать "VidCoder 2.6 (x86/x64)":
Скачать "VidCoder 2.6 (x86/x64) Portable":