DiskDigger - программа для восстановления случайно удаленных данных с носителя, а также для восстановления поврежденных файлов и папок в результате вирусной атаки. DiskDigger выполняет сканирование носителя и анализирует структуру данных, которые система считает удаленными. Используя собственную методику восстановления данных, программа может реанимировать потерянные файлы (видео, фотографии, музыку, документы и пр.), но только в том случае, если информация не была еще перезаписана. Так-же может восстанавливать данные с любых носителей - карт памяти SD, CompactFlash и Memory Stick, USB-накопителей, внешних и внутренних жестких дисков.
Поддерживаемые типы файлов включают в себя:
Photos and images:
JPG - Pictures stored in digital cameras and on the Web (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
PNG - Portable Network Graphics
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
BMP - Windows and OS/2 bitmap image
TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
ICO - Windows Icon
ANI - Windows Animated Cursor
CR2 - Canon RAW image
SR2 - Sony RAW image
NEF - Nikon RAW image
DCR - Kodak RAW image
PEF - Pentax RAW image
DNG - Adobe Digital Negative
SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
PSD - Adobe Photoshop Image
RAS - Sun raster image
PSP - Paint Shop Pro image
Thumbcache - Windows thumbnail cache
IFF - Amiga images and other media
ART - AOL Art images
WMF - Windows MetaFile
EMF - Enhanced MetaFile
WMZ, EMZ - Compressed MetaFiles
DICOM - Medical imaging format
WEBP - WebP images
PCX - ZSoft PCX images
CDR - CorelDraw images
INDD - Adobe InDesign documents
CP - Adobe Captivate documents
DOC - Microsoft Word document (2003 and below)
DOCX - Microsoft Word document (2007 and above)
XLS - Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (2003 and below)
XLSX - Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (2007 and above)
PPT - Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (2003 and below)
PPTX - Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (2007 and above)
VSD - Microsoft Visio document
PDF - Portable Document Format
XML - eXtensible Markup Language
HTML - HyperText Markup Language
RTF - Rich Text Format
WPD - WordPerfect document
WPS - Microsoft Works document
PUB - Microsoft Publisher document
XPS - XML Paper Specification
WRI - Old Windows Write document
ODT, ODS, ODP, ODG - OpenDocument formats

Audio and video:
MP3 - Audio format widely used in digital media players (MPEG layer 3)
WMA - Windows Media Audio
AVI - Audio Video Interleave
WAV - Wave audio
MID -Musical Instrument Digital Interface
FLV - Adobe Flash Video
WMV - Windows Media Video
MOV - QuickTime video
M4A - MPEG-4 audio
M4V, MP4 - MPEG-4 video
3GP - Third Generation Partnership video
F4V - Adobe Flash video based on MPEG-4 Part 12
RM - RealMedia video
RMVB - RealMedia video (variable bitrate)
MKV - Matroska video
MPEG - Motion Picture Experts Group
AU - Sun Microsystems audio
MTS, M2TS - MPEG2 Transport Stream
R3D - RED Video Camera video
APE - Monkey's Audio file
OFR - OptimFROG lossless audio
PPM, PGM, PBM - Netpbm images
WEBM - WebM videos
Compressed archives:
ZIP - Widely used compressed format developed by PKWARE
RAR - Roshal ARchive, used by WinRAR
7Z - Compressed format used by 7-Zip
GZ - Compressed format used by gzip
SIT - Compressed format used by StuffIt for Mac
ACE - WinAce archive
CAB - Microsoft Cabinet archive
SZDD - Compressed files created by COMPRESS.EXE from MS-DOS
ISO - Images of optical media, such as CDs and DVDs
EXE - Windows or MS-DOS executable file
DLL - Windows or MS-DOS dynamic-link library
MDB - Microsoft Access database (2003 and below)
ACCDB - Microsoft Access database (2007 and above)
PST - Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders file
DBX - Microsoft Outlook Express data file
XAC - GnuCash data file
KMY - KMyMoney data file
DWG - AutoCAD drawing
DXF - Drawing Interchange Format
CHM - Microsoft Compiled HTML Help file
TTF, TTC - TrueType font
CLASS - Java class file
KMZ - Google Earth location data
Дополнительная информация:
Программа поддерживает файловые системы FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT и NTFS. Утилита может спасти ценную информацию даже в том случае, если носитель был отформатирован, а также если в процессе форматирования возникли ошибки.
News for January 2018
Here is what's new in the latest version of DiskDigger for Windows:
- Revamped and improved support for scanning disk images. Ideal for professional forensic analysis, as well as personal recovery of disk images, all of these types of disk images are supported:
- E01 and EWF images (Expert Witness Format) saved by EnCase and various other tools. If the image is broken into multiple segments (E01, E02, etc.), just open the E01 segment and DiskDigger will detect the other segments automatically.
- VMDK images, used by VmWare.
- VDI images, used by VirtualBox.
- VHD images, used by Microsoft VirtualPC.
- Plain 'dd' raw images.
- Open any of the above disk image types by launching DiskDigger and clicking the Advanced tab, where you should see the option to scan a disk image. Once you select the image file, the type of the image will be detected automatically.
- E01 files themselves can now be recovered in "dig deeper" mode.
- Support for recovering FLIF (Free Lossless Image Format) images.
- Improved support for recovering .TAR.GZ archives.
The Android version of the DiskDigger app now has the following updates:
- Improved support and compatibility with Android Oreo.
- Fixed some potential issues when saving recoverable files to an external SD card. Previously it was possible to see "access denied" errors when saving files to an SD card, which was due to incorrect usage of Android's SAF (Storage Access Framework).
- Improved ability to permanently delete individual files from Basic Scan results. It's currently not possible to delete files from a Full (rooted) scan, but this is planned for a future update.
Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2018
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Многоязычный + Русский
Лекарство: keygen-REIS
Размер файла: 2.40 MB
Скачать DiskDigger DC 05.01.2018 Portable ML/RUS