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Безопасность (Портативные) » Ashampoo Anti-Malware 1.2 Portable

Ashampoo Anti-Malware 1.2 Portable

Ashampoo Anti-Malware 1.2 Portable - Программа для поиска и удаления разнообразного вредоносного ПО. В Ashampoo Anti-Malware используется эвристический метод сканирования, позволяющий в реальном времени контролировать безопасность всей системы. Также имеется возможность полного сканирования всех дисков. Официальный преемник Ashampoo AntiSpyWare и Ashampoo AntiVirus сочетает в себе лучшее из обеих технологий. Комплексное решение безопасности для защиты вашего компьютера и ваших данных от внешних угроз: блокирует вирусы, троянские программы, черви, вредоносное ПО, руткиты, шпионское и рекламное ПО, не оказывая существенной нагрузки на производительность компьютера. Благодаря инновационному дизайну и интуитивно понятному графическому интерфейсу с Ashampoo Anti-Malware очень легко работать даже начинающему пользователю.

The all-in-one solution: Anti-Spyware and Anti-Virus for maximal protection! The official successor of Ashampoo AntiSpyWare and Ashampoo AntiVirus has been developed from scratch and combines the best of both technologies all in one solution. The comprehensive security solution protects your PC and your data from external threats and blocks viruses, trojans, worms, malware, rootkits, bots, spyware and adware efficiently without putting so much as a strain on your computer’s performance. In addition, the software offers a variety of security tools (e.g. File Wiper, Internet Cleaner, Startup Tuner etc.) based on our prize winning Ashampoo WinOptimizer series. Thanks to its innovative design and intuitive GUI, Ashampoo Anti-Malware is very easy to operate.

An unprotected computer is virtually an open invitation for cyber criminals, whose numbers run in the thousands on the Internet today, and can easily cause considerable damage for average users. This is why we developed Ashampoo Anti-Malware for you.

Consider yourself on the safe side with state-of-the-art technology in the field of computer security. Ashampoo Anti-Malware comes with two scanners (anti-spyware and anti-virus) of renown software producers and therefore ensures your pc’s protection from online and offline threats alike. By integrating both engines in one program, the scan time is reduced significantly in comparison to two separately operating programs. Furthermore, Ashampoo Anti-Malware offers a signature check, during which a program is being checked for known malware patterns prior to each program launch (protection from over 3.000.000 current threats from the web and daily updates of the latest signatures), next to a heuristic analysis, enabling for unknown malware to be detected and blocked by means of behavior.

Ashampoo Anti-Malware provides reliable protection against the following threats: Keylogger, Trojans, Rootkits.

A keylogger secretly records all keyboard activity and thus spies on e.g. contact and account information during online banking. Trojans are hidden programs that appear to be something desirable for the user and instead enable unauthorized access to your computer. So-called rootkits belong to the same malware category and aim at hiding malware (malicious software) from anti-virus programs and users alike. Ashampoo Anti-Malware detects and removes such “hidden” malware and even rootkits (with the help of Rootkit Detector 2) reliably.

Worms often reach their host computer via e-mail attachments and contain viruses and other malicious software. Unlike viruses, worms almost always cause at least some harm to a computer network by using up bandwidth. Once opened, the attachments can cause great damage. More recent network threats are the so-called botnets, where numerous computers are being infected via exploits and turned into spam sending zombie computers under the control of the worm author. With Ashampoo Anti-Malware, worms, viruses and bots don’t stand a chance and are being removed reliably in order to avoid any further damage to the owners system.

Dialer are small programs that use the computer’s modem for unauthorized connection with an unknown provider (often creator of the dialer) when connecting to the internet. In doing so, those dialers can send the user’s online bill skyrocketing with every new connection. Ashampoo Anti-Malware prevents dialer from causing any damage.

Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Год выхода: 2010
Размер (RAR): 117 Мб
Информация для воссстановления: 2%
архив не запаролен

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