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Аудио и видео (Софт) » MAGIX VEGAS Movie Studio Platinum ENG

MAGIX VEGAS Movie Studio Platinum ENG

MAGIX VEGAS Movie Studio Platinum - видеоредактор, включающий в себя все необходимое для создания HD-фильмов. Мощные функции композитинга, цветовой коррекции и инструменты для создания звукового оформления помогут вам получить профессиональный результат в своей домашней студии. Интерфейс программы позволяет иметь все необходимое под рукой для вызова того или иного модуля или операции, неограниченное количество отмен/повторов действий, встроенная функция создания и записи дисков профессионального уровня.

• Добавление спец-эффектов, переходов, заголовков и музыки
• Увеличение, поворот и панорамирование фотографий в видео
• Неразрушающее редактирование в режиме реального времени.
• Создание профессионально-выглядящих бизнес-презентаций
• Более 500 эффектов и эффектов переходов
• Удаление эффекта «красных глаз»
• Одновременный мониторинг видео на локальном и внешнем мониторе
• Неограниченное использование видео-предметов на один трек
• Встроенное окно предпросмотра результата
• Поддержка VST и DirectX плагинов эффектов
• Инструменты восстановления звука
• Интегрированная функция публикации на YouTube
• Экспорт напрямую на портативные устройства
• Запись готового видео на CD, DVD, Blu-ray
• Встроенная функция записи дисков.
• Простое редактирование и навигация.
• Запись голоса для видео.
• Полностью настраиваемая панель инструментов.
• Многозадачность фоновой обработки.
• Поддержка ASIO драйвера.
• Поддержка аудио с качеством до 32-бит с плавающей точкой, 192 кГц.
• Настраиваемые схемы размещения окон.
• Неограниченное количество отмен / повторов действий.
• Восстановление после сбоя.
• И многое другое...

A seriously-creative editing environment
Designed for fast editing and enhanced creativity, VEGAS® Movie Studio Platinum empowers your creative process with versatile editing tools and an incredibly powerful feature set.

Customize your workflow
Customize the user interface to match your workflow and maximize your efficiency. Save custom window layouts for specific tasks such as editing, audio recording, and finishing. Custom, personalized workflow layouts make easy video editing possible even with robust, sophisticated tools.

Multicam production
You call the shots! Combine up to four cameras into a single timeline clip event. Switch between four different camera angles with a click of your mouse to create a compelling multicam production. The Video Preview window shows all four camera streams at the same time. You decide which angle to show and when to show it. Switch between the four angles in real time as you watch your movie. Then, make fine timing adjustments, or refine your shot order at any time to perfect your finished product.


You never run out of ideas. You'll never run out of space.
Let your projects grow as large as they need to be in order to represent your vision. Add up to 200 audio and 200 video tracks to any project. You now have all the space you need to use the powerful compositing and organizational features including robust picture-in-picture tools, so get as complex as you need to!

A creative way to move from scene to scene
Move from one scene to the next with a bounce, a shake or a shift in color. These are just a few examples of what makes transitions from NewBlueFX so much fun. Get creative results fast with the built-in presets or tweak any or all of the parameters to create your own new twist on these award-winning video transitions. VEGAS® Movie Studio video editing software and NewBlueFX: a perfect creative partnership.

Recover shaky video
Of course, video is all about action! And action means movement that isn't always perfectly steady. Go ahead; mount your camera on your bike, boat, sled, or surfboard and capture every exciting move. Advanced image stabilization, powered by ProDAD’s industry-leading Mercalli V2 video stabilization technology, turns that shaky performance into smooth-flowing video.

Enhance your colors
Clarify the shadows, enhance the mid tones, set your whites for pure white. The Color Corrector filter provides an easy-to-use three-wheel interface and gives you complete control over your colors, saturation and gain adjustments. Zero in on and tweak one particular color with the Secondary Color Corrector while you leave other colors unchanged. Change that color to a different hue or make it stand out while you transform all the other colors into black and white. Use a wide range of additional color correction filters to make dull video look vibrant or create special color effects.

Author a DVD or a High-Definition Blu-ray Disc
Create DVDs and stunning high-definition Blu-ray discs with play buttons, menu navigation controls, surround sound audio, and Hollywood-style titles. Select from over 100 high-resolution wide-screen templates. Add chapter markers to locate specific scenes. Add captions and parental controls. Preview and test all your movies and controls before you burn your disc. A DVD or high-definition Blu-ray disc makes a perfect gift for friends and family.

Release Notes:
- Files with 5.1 audio now open properly again in the timeline
- The Event Video Resampling options once again properly function
- The ability to use presets has been restored to the Track Motion window
- Custom rendering presets that were created in previous versions no longer contain corrupted audio when used in version 14
- Using "DVD with Menus" option now properly detects DVD Architect when that application is installed
- The Render and Cancel buttons are no longer hidden in any case under windows high DPI settings
- Plug-in chain boxes once again have a graphically obvious connection linking them together to make it easier to understand their relationships in the chain
- Upload to Vimeo functionality no longer fails when uploading to a Vimeo Plus account
- Tags typed into the metadata dialog prior to uploading to Vimeo now properly appear when the upload is complete
- Improved the appearance of the horizontal splitter in the Window Docking area so it is easier to identify
- Improved our handling of AVCHD (and other) files to more effectively handle situations where just reading a small section of file is not enough to identify the media handler, so that such instances no longer crash the application
- The audio track header context menu options Use vertical meters and Show output meters now work properly
- Improved grouping behaviors in some cases where groups where not properly created or eliminated
- The Customize Template button in the Render As dialog box is now active only when it is functional for the chosen render format
- Rendering to Blu-ray with Sony AVC/MVC templates works properly again
- Improved the behavior of Newsfeed notifications to better serve the end-user

System Requirements:
- Operating system: Microsoft® Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit) or Windows 10 (64-bit)
- Processor: 2 GHz (multicore or multiprocessor recommended for HD or stereoscopic 3D; 8 cores recommended for 4K)
- RAM: 4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended; 16 GB recommended for 4K)
- Hard drive space: 500 MB hard drive space for program installation; Solid-state disk (SSD) or high-speed multi-disk RAID for 4K media
- Graphics card: Supported NVIDIA®, AMD/ATI® or Intel® GPU with at least 512 MB of memory (1 GB recommended for 4K and GPU-accelerated video processing)

MAGIX VEGAS Movie Studio Platinum ENG

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2017
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/7 (x64)
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лекарство: cracked
Размер файла: 320.00 MB

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