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Аудио и видео (Портативные) / Аудио и видео (Софт) » oCam Screen Recorder 313.0 + Portable

oCam Screen Recorder 313.0 + Portable

oCam Screen Recorder - программа, позволяющая быстро и качественно записать видео всего происходящего на экране. Кодирование (сжатие) получаемого видео производится кодеками, установленными в систему. Для записи можно определить на выбор захват всего экрана, области готового размера, самому задать размер записываемой области (мышью) или определить окно какой-либо программы, которое будет записываться.

oCam Screen Recorder позволяет записывать и звуковое сопровождение не только через микрофон, но и системных звуков. Особенностью программы является именно беспроблемная запись звуков, воспроизводимых через динамики в процессе записи. Для этого применяется технология WASAPI loopback, при которой производится захват звуков издаваемых системой (то, что мы слышим) без применения стереомикшера.

oCam Screen Recorder - is a screen recording application which, apart from supporting basic Windows applications, isn't really suitable for anything more than slideshows or tutorials. The program is rather easy to use and can create videos by select an area on the screen and hitting the large "Record" button. Among other things, it has a variety of options from which to configure including codecs. The program is definitely suitable for creating basic presentations, but not for recording high definition gaming like Fraps.


Features of product:
• Computer screen, video recording is possible.
• Recording using the built-in video codecs (AVI, MP4, MOV, TS, VOB) and audio codecs (MP3)
• Have large video formats to support more than 4GB.
• Recording sound from your computer as you can.
• Audio recording is made possible without the stereo mix setting. (Windows 7, Vista SP1 or later)
• A variety of sound quality when recording can be selected.
• Screen capture is possible, too.
• Recording area of the keyboard can be easily controlled.
• Can record the full screen and window area.
• During recording, the mouse cursor can be set to be included.
• Bug reporting is available to developers.
• Record the results can be stored in a specific folder, you have the option.
• oCam dual-monitor support.
• Flash in the IE browser, the target area can be selected.
• Preferences from the FPS setting is possible.
• Automatically recording the end of recording timeout function is available.

What's New:
* Fix specific DirectX 11 app should not be recognized
* Knox app player supports recording
* In the Options dialog box Added the Reset button to reset all settings
* Additional features to support a webcam(BGR, BGRA formats).
* Fix webcam broken out in some part of the screen
* Modify the crash problem when I use OpenGL in PCSX2(a PlayStation 2 emulator)
* Fixed a bug that is not in the output FPS DirectX 11 games on some graphics cards
* Modifying the recording area so that always at the top
* Add the option to set up a webcam format
* Arabic language is added
* Chinese Traditional language is updated

ОС: Windows® XP, Vista, 7, 8.х, 10 (32/64-бит)
Интерфейс: Multilanguage + Русский
Лекарство: Не требуется
Размер: 8.3/10.8 Mb

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