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Архивация и восстановление (Софт) » Hetman NTFS Recovery 2.8 Commercial / Office / Home ML/RUS

Hetman NTFS Recovery 2.8 Commercial / Office / Home ML/RUS

Hetman NTFS Recovery - вернёт информацию с рабочих, «битых» или поврежденных жестких дисков, восстановит данные утерянные после форматирования, удаления или пересоздания логических разделов NTFS, восстановит случайно удаленные файлы («Shift» + «Delete»).

Комплексно анализирует содержимое жесткого диска в поиске следов удаленных с NTFS раздела файлов. Программа позволяет просмотреть содержимое удаленных файлов. Пользовательский интерфейс, реализованный в стиле окна «Проводника» Windows делает программу доступной для любого пользователя.

Возможности программы:

— Восстанавливает файлы текстовых документов DOC, DOCX, RTF, PDF
— Восстанавливает электронные таблицы XLS, XLSX
— Восстанавливает презентации PPT, PPTX
— Восстанавливает сжатые архивы ZIP, RAR
— Восстанавливает цифровые изображения JPEG, PSD
— Восстанавливает видео и аудио материалы в AVI, DAT, MKV, MPG, VOB, MP3
— Восстанавливает почтовые сообщения, базы данных, бинарные и исполняемые EXE файлы, исходные коды программ, виртуальные образы дисков

— Восстанавливает информацию системных дисков компьютеров и ноутбуков под управлением файловой системы NTFS
Предварительный просмотр и HEX редактор:
— Анализируя устройство в поиске удаленных данных, отображает найденные файлы в виде стандартных иконок, в точности, как «Проводник» Windows. Выделяя файл в программе, вы можете просмотреть или прослушать его содержимое, а также ознакомиться со всей служебной информацией (папка хранения, файловые атрибуты, размер файла и т.д.).
— Встроенный HEX редактор отображает содержимое файла в шестнадцатеричном формате, а также выводит список и номера секторов, в которых храниться его содержимое. Для логических разделов HEX редактор выводит информацию о загрузочном секторе и его копии, а также отображает список секторов, в которых хранятся MFT записи

Features in Hetman NTFS Recovery 2:

Recoverable Files
Hetman NTFS Recovery can successfully recover files of any type. However, for certain types of files it can go one step further in case of serious problems. The tool can identify files such as documents (DOC, DOCX, RTF, PDF,...), spreadsheets (XLS, XLSX,...), presentations (PPT, PPTX,...), compressed archives (ZIP, RAR,...), digital pictures (JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, PSD,...), video and audio files (AVI, DAT, MKV, MPG, VOB, MP3, ...) and many other popular formats by scanning the entire disk surface for characteristic file signatures. Once a recognizable signature is encountered, Hetman NTFS Recovery will be able to determine the file’s exact physical location on the disk and recover the file.


Supported Storage Devices
- Hetman NTFS Recovery can recover information from hard drives of all types and makes, as long as they are (or were) formatted with the NTFS file system.
- The tool supports USB pen drives, all types of memory types and most external storage devices connected via a USB cable, recovering NTFS volumes only.
- Information from SSD drives can be recoverable if the disk is corrupted or inaccessible, or in a case the TRIM functionality was not enabled. Otherwise, the combined actions of TRIM and garbage collection may render deleted information permanently inaccessible.

Ease of Use
Recovering data with Hetman NTFS Recovery is easy as 1-2-3. Literally, it takes just three easy steps in the File Recovery Wizard to scan the disk and locate all the recoverable data. The recovery process is completely safe, as all operations are performed strictly in read-only mode. The files to be recovered will be saved onto a separate disk or external media in order to prevent possible damage to the rest of the files. The user interface is similar to Windows Explorer, providing familiar browsing experience for deleted files and folders. Deleted files are displayed along with existing ones, distinguished by a distinctive icon.

Data Recovery Engine
Hetman NTFS Recovery makes use of a highly sophisticated and well-refined data recovery engine also available in Hetman’s top of the line tool, Hetman Partition Recovery. The recovery engine can either scan just the file system in a matter of seconds, or perform a thorough, comprehensive analysis of the entire disk surface. Its content-aware analysis can reliably identify and recover files located on damaged, formatted and inaccessible media. Combining information gathered from the file system and obtained with content-aware comprehensive analysis, Hetman NTFS Recovery can successfully recover a great deal of data while re-creating the original folder structure. Effectively, using Hetman NTFS Recovery results in about the same number of recovered files as weeks’ worth efforts of a well-equipped forensic lab.

Pre-Recovery Preview
Previewing the content of a deleted file is extremely simple. Just click on a file, and Hetman NTFS Recovery will immediately display its preview. The built-in viewer is completely stand-alone, and does not use any third-party or external applications. Preview is available for more than two hundred formats such as office documents, spreadsheets, images, movies, music, backups and archives. If the correct preview is displayed, then the file can be successfully recovered for sure.

Data Safety
When developing Hetman NTFS Recovery, we took data safety as top design goal. Hetman NTFS Recovery approaches recoverable media in strictly enforced read-only mode, ensuring that no further damage is caused to your data. For badly damaged and physically worn devices we’re offering an extra-safe recovery mode involving a virtual disk image. By capturing the content of the entire physical device into a virtual disk image, Hetman NTFS Recovery ensures that information is read in a single operation, thus minimizing the potential risk of accidental failure. The image can then be used to recover information as the next step.

Saving Files Being Recovered
While saving a file can be as easy as hitting the “Save” button, make sure to use a separate drive letter or external storage media to keep files being recovered. Otherwise, you’ll be risking overwriting the original data. This is fine in theory, but recovering huge disks requires a similarly sized storage device with lots of free space available.

Supported File Systems and System Requirements
Hetman NTFS Recovery supports all versions of the NTFS file system (abbr. New Technology File System, including NTFS 3, 4, and 5) including alternative data streams (ADS), compressed and encrypted files. The tool can be used in Windows XP / 2003 and 2008 Server / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 and Windows 10. Hetman NTFS Recovery readily supports both 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows. Please note that you must have Administrator’s privileges on your computer in order to install and use Hetman NTFS Recovery.

Hetman NTFS Recovery 2.8 Commercial / Office / Home ML/RUS

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2018
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Многоязычный + Русский
Лекарство: serial
Размер файла: 14.00 MB

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