AIDA64 Extreme Engineer программа для идентификации, диагностики и тестирования практически любых компонентов персонального компьютера под управлением операционных систем семейства Windows. В программе имеются встроенные модули для тестирования и калибровки, дающие уникальные возможности оценить производительность процессора, системной памяти и дисковых накопителей. Выводит подробные сведения обо всем аппаратном и программном обеспечении, установленном в системе и результаты тестирования (benchmark).
Тесты производительности центрального процессора, модуля вычислений с плавающей точкой, а также памяти помогают измерить реальную производительность системы и сравнить ее с ранее полученными результатами или с другими компьютерами. Более того, полная информация о программном обеспечении, операционной системе и настройках безопасности переводит AIDA64 Extreme Engineer в ранг всеобъемлющего средства диагностики, предоставляющего более 100 страниц информации о вашем компьютере.
Возможности программы: - Точная низкоуровневая информация о материнской плате и центральном процессоре - Подробная информация о видеоадаптере, драйверах и мониторе - Информация обо всех устройствах хранения - Исчерпывающая информация о сетевых адаптерах, мультимедиа и устройствах ввода - Информация о другом железе (PCI, PnP, PCMCIA, USB) - Подробная информация о Windows, включая дату установки, лицензионный ключ и многое другое - Информация об общих сетевых ресурсах, список пользователей, групп и многое другое - Большой объем информации о сетевом статусе, учетных записях почты, сетевых ресурсах и настройках интернет - Подробная информация об установленных программах, запланированных задачах и программах в автозапуске - Информация о безопасности операционной системы - Список межсетевых экранов, антишпионов и антитроянов - Тест стабильности системы - Панель CPUID - Мониторинг аппаратного обеспечения - Тесты производительности CPU и FPU - Тесты производительности памяти - Модуль тестирования производительности дисков - Обнаружение возможных проблем настройки и совместимости программного и аппаратного обеспечения - Мастер отчетов - Отправка по почте и распечатка отчетов.
Тесты AIDA64 Extreme Engineer обеспечивает несколько методов для измерения производительности системы. Эти тесты являются синтетическими, так что их результаты показывают лишь теоретическую (максимальную) производительность системы. - Memory Tests - CPU Queen Benchmark - CPU PhotoWorxx Benchmark - CPU Zlib Benchmark - CPU AES Benchmark - CPU Hash Benchmark - FPU VP8 Benchmark - FPU Julia Benchmark - FPU Mandel Benchmark - FPU SinJulia Benchmark
Установка и обновление. 1. Распаковать архив в выбранную директорию и программа готова к работе. 2. Если у вас уже была более ранняя версия программы, просто скопируйте / перенесите все из папки AIDA64 Extreme Portable, находящуюсяв архиве, в папку с программой, согласившись на замену. Все ваши настройки будут сохранены.
AIDAA64 Extreme Engineer provides a wide range of features to assist in overclocking, hardware error diagnosis, stress testing, and sensor monitoring. It has unique capabilities to assess the performance of the processor, system memory, and disk drives. AIDA64 is compatible with all current 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems, including Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
CPU, memory and disk benchmarks AIDA64 implements a set of 64-bit benchmarks to measure how fast the computer performs various data processing tasks and mathematical calculations. Memory and cache benchmarks are available to analyze system RAM bandwidth and latency. Processor benchmarks utilize MMX, 3DNow! and SSE instructions, and scale up to 32 processor cores. For legacy processors all benchmarks are available in 32-bit version as well. AIDA64 Disk Benchmark determines the data transfer speed of hard disk drives, solid-state drives, optical drives, and flash memory based devices Temperature, voltage and cooling fan monitoring AIDA64 supports over 150 various sensor devices to measure temperatures, voltages, fan speeds, and power draw. Measured values can be displayed on System Tray icons, OSD panel, Sidebar Gadget, and Logitech G15/G19 Gaming Keyboard LCD. The values can also be logged to file or exported to external applications such as RivaTuner or Samurai. AIDA64 can also alarm the user when it detects overheating, over-voltage, or cooling fan failure. Hardware diagnostics AIDA64 has the most accurate hardware detection capabilities in its class, to provide detailed information on the computer internals without the need to open it up. The hardware detection module is strengthened by an exhaustive hardware database holding over 120,000 entries. Additional modules are available to overview processor frequencies, check CRT and LCD display status, and stress the system to reveal potential hardware failures and thermal issues. Software and operating system analysis AIDA64 provides over 50 pages of information on installed programs, software licenses, security applications, and Windows settings. List of started processes, services, DLL files, startup programs, and visited web pages is also available.
Benchmarks Benchmark pages of IDAA64 Extreme Engineer provide several methods to measure system performance. These benchmarks are synthetic, so their results show only the theoretical (maximum) performance of the system. Memory Tests Memory bandwidth benchmarks (Memory Read, Memory Write, Memory Copy) measure the maximum achiveable memory data transfer bandwidth. The code behind these benchmark methods are written in Assembly and they are extremely optimized for every popular AMD and Intel processor core variants by utilizing the appropriate x86, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2 or SSE4.1 instruction set extension. The Memory Latency benchmark measures the typical delay when the CPU reads data from system memory. Memory latency time means the penalty measured from the issuing of the read command until the data arrives to the integer registers of the CPU. [/b]CPU Queen Benchmark This simple integer benchmark focuses on the branch prediction capabilities and the misprediction penalties of the CPU. It finds the solutions for the classic "Queens problem" on a 10 by 10 sized chessboard. At the same clock speed theoretically the processor with the shorter pipeline and smaller misprediction penalties will attain higher benchmark scores. For example -- with HyperThreading disabled -- the Intel Northwood core processors get higher scores than the Intel Prescott core based ones due to the 20-step vs 31-step long pipeline. CPU Queen test uses integer MMX, SSE2 and SSSE3 optimizations. CPU PhotoWorxx Benchmark This benchmark performs different common tasks used during digital photo processing. It performs the following tasks on a very large RGB image: Fill, Flip, Rotate 90 degrees CW, Rotate 90 degrees CCW, Fill the image with random coloured pixels, Colour to black & white conversion, Difference, Crop. This benchmark stresses the integer arithmetic and multiplication execution units of the CPU and also the memory subsystem. Due to the fact that this test performs high memory read/write traffic, it cannot effectively scale in situations where more than 2 processing threads used. For example, on a 8-way Pentium III Xeon system the 8 processing threads will be "fighting" over the memory, creating a serious bottleneck that would lead to as low scores as a 2-way or 4-way similar processor based system could achieve. CPU PhotoWorxx test uses only the basic x86 instructions, and it is HyperThreading, multi-processor (SMP) and multi-core (CMP) aware. CPU Zlib Benchmark This integer benchmark measures combined CPU and memory subsystem performance through the public ZLib compression library. CPU ZLib test uses only the basic x86 instructions, and it is HyperThreading, multi-processor (SMP) and multi-core (CMP) aware. CPU AES Benchmark This benchmark measures CPU performance using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) data encryption. In cryptography AES is a symmetric-key encryption standard. AES is used in several compression tools today, like 7z, RAR, WinZip, and also in disk encryption solutions like BitLocker, FileVault (Mac OS X), TrueCrypt. CPU AES test uses only the basic x86 instructions, and it's hardware accelerated on VIA PadLock Security Engine capable VIA C3, VIA C7, VIA Nano and VIA QuadCore processors; and on Intel AES-NI instruction set extension capable processors. The test is HyperThreading, multi-processor (SMP) and multi-core (CMP) aware. CPU Hash Benchmark This benchmark measures CPU performance using the SHA1 hashing algorithm defined in the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-3. The code behind this benchmark method is written in Assembly, and it is optimized for every popular AMD, Intel and VIA processor core variants by utilizing the appropriate MMX, MMX+/SSE, SSE2, SSSE3, AVX or XOP instruction set extension. CPU Hash benchmark is hardware accelerated on VIA PadLock Security Engine capable VIA C7, VIA Nano and VIA QuadCore processors. FPU VP8 Benchmark This benchmark measures video compression performance using the Google VP8 (WebM) video codec Version 0.9.5. FPU VP8 test encodes 1280x720 pixel ("HD ready") resolution video frames in 1-pass mode at 8192 kbps bitrate with best quality settings. The content of the frames are generated by the FPU Julia fractal module. The code behind this benchmark method utilizes the appropriate MMX, SSE2 or SSSE3 instruction set extension, and it is HyperThreading, multi-processor (SMP) and multi-core (CMP) aware. FPU Julia Benchmark This benchmark measures the single precision (also known as 32-bit) floating-point performance through the computation of several frames of the popular "Julia" fractal. The code behind this benchmark method is written in Assembly, and it is extremely optimized for every popular AMD, Intel and VIA processor core variants by utilizing the appropriate x87, 3DNow!, 3DNow!+, SSE, AVX or FMA4 instruction set extension. FPU Julia test is HyperThreading, multi-processor (SMP) and multi-core (CMP) aware. [/b]FPU Mandel Benchmark This benchmark measures the double precision (also known as 64-bit) floating-point performance through the computation of several frames of the popular "Mandelbrot" fractal. The code behind this benchmark method is written in Assembly, and it is extremely optimized for every popular AMD, Intel and VIA processor core variants by utilizing the appropriate x87, SSE2, AVX or FMA4 instruction set extension. FPU Mandel test is HyperThreading, multi-processor (SMP) and multi-core (CMP) aware. FPU SinJulia Benchmark This benchmark measures the extended precision (also known as 80-bit) floating-point performance through the computation of a single frame of a modified "Julia" fractal. The code behind this benchmark method is written in Assembly, and it is extremely optimized for every popular AMD, Intel and VIA processor core variants by utilizing trigonometric and exponential x87 instructions. FPU SinJulia is HyperThreading, multi-processor (SMP) and multi-core (CMP) aware.
System requirements AIDA64 Business Edition is designed to run on 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems. It can be run directly from an optical disc, but in such case any configuration changes made in the Preferences of the software will be lost. Operating system: * Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/PE/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008/Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 * Processor: Intel Pentium or later * System memory: 32 MB or more * Required disk space to install: 20 MB
Update: May, 2012 Platforms: Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/PE/2003/Vista/2008/7/2008 R2 Languages: Russian, Ukrainian Developer: (by PortableAppZ) No registration is required Size: 12.10 Mb