Ãëàâíàÿ > Ãðàôèêà è ôîòî (Ñîôò) > 3DF Zephyr 7.505

3DF Zephyr 7.505

10-11-2023, 13:01. Ðàçìåñòèë: vipdepbit
3DF Zephyr 7.505

3DF Zephyr — ïîçâîëÿåò àâòîìàòè÷åñêè âîññòàíàâëèâàòü 3D-ìîäåëè ïî ôîòîãðàôèÿì, ïîìîæåò ñïðàâèòüñÿ ñ ëþáîé çàäà÷åé 3D-ðåêîíñòðóêöèè è ñêàíèðîâàíèÿ. 3DF Zephyr ïîñòðîåí íà îñíîâå çàïàòåíòîâàííîé, ïåðåäîâîé òåõíîëîãèè ðåêîíñòðóêöèè.

3DF Zephyr èìååò óäîáíûé èíòåðôåéñ è âîçìîæíîñòü ýêñïîðòèðîâàòü âî ìíîãèå ðàñïðîñòðàíåííûå 3D-ôîðìàòû èëè äàæå ñîçäàâàòü âèäåî áåç ïîòåðü áåç èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ âíåøíèõ èíñòðóìåíòîâ. Êðîìå òîãî, 3DF Zephyr îáëàäàåò ìíîæåñòâîì óñîâåðøåíñòâîâàííûõ ôóíêöèé, è âû ìîæåòå, íàïðèìåð, ðåäàêòèðîâàòü ñâîè ìîäåëè, ñîçäàâàòü íàñòîÿùèå îðòîôîòîïëàíû, öèôðîâûå ìîäåëè ðåëüåôà (DTM), óïðàâëÿòü äàííûìè ëàçåðíîãî ñêàíèðîâàíèÿ è âû÷èñëÿòü ïëîùàäè, îáúåìû, óãëû, êîíòóðíûå ëèíèè è ìíîãîå äðóãîå.

Features and amenities 3DF Zephyr:
— User-friendly interface: Application 3DF ZEPHYR having functional design-friendly and simple to use this app provides the user more comfortable.
— Using advanced technology: The software uses the most up to date technology available, to provide services in the best way possible to the user. The user can according to the technology in this application, to carry out the act itself.
— Export advanced capabilities: With this software you can eventually become a version of the model in -several different formats and quality extract and save.
— Process group: With this feature, users can perform multiple activities at the same time in -Application 3DF ZEPHYR

3DF Zephyr features:
— Automatic Structure from Motion
— Global and Incremental pipeline
— Easiest camera calibration management
— Add photos anytime
— Dense cloud generation
— Reconstruction with presets
— Advanced settings
— Custom settings
— Mesh Texturing
— Multi texturing & UDIM
— Editing tools
— Mesh filters, hole filling and photoconsistency
— Mesh filtering on selection
— Multiple layers support
— Match viewer
— Direct Sketchfab upload
— Video making & smartsnap
— Direct Youtube upload
— Masking capabilities
— Pictures import
— Video Import
— CUDA ® computation
— Exporting
— Native Laser Scan support
— Pictures and quality evaluation
— Full 360° cameras support
— External UV mapping
— Multi ICP registration
— Workspace merge
— Batch processing
— Fixed rig support
— Automatic marker detection
— Point Cloud/Mesh import
— Statistical analysis & report
— Control points, measurements & volumes
— Volume projection
— Hollow volume computation
— Project over a regular grid
— Point cloud comparison tool
— Shape from Silhouette
— Orthophoto & Orthomosaic
— Polyline drawing
— Automatic polyline extraction
— Contour lines generation
— Sections / Track sections
— DEM & multispectral viewer
— DEM profile
— EXIF GPS coordinates
— GPS exif preview
— PCS georeferencing support and conversion
— Multispectral support & calibration


[banner_header] {banner_header} [/banner_header]

Minimum System Requirements:
— OS: Windows 11/10/8.1/8 (64 bit)
— Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor
— Memory: 16GB System RAM
— Hard Disk Space: 10GB free HDD Space
— Video Card: Direct X 9.0c compliant NVIDIA video card with at least 1GB of RAM

Èíôîðìàöèÿ î ïðîãðàììå:
Ãîä âûïóñêà: 2023
Ïëàòôîðìà: Windows® 11/10/8.1/8 (64-bit only)
ßçûê èíòåðôåéñà: Multilanguage / English / Ðóññêîãî íåò
Ëåêàðñòâî: crack
Ðàçìåð ôàéëà: 564.68 MB

Ñêà÷àòü 3DF Zephyr 7.505

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