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Sweet Home 3D 5.2 Final + Portable (x86/x64)

18-02-2016, 03:19. Разместил: H999Gb
Sweet Home 3D 5.2 Final + Portable (x86/x64)

Sweet Home 3D - программа для моделирования дизайна интерьера, позволяет создать план помещения, квартиры, комнаты, расставить мебель, двери, окна, батареи, шторы и многое многое другое. Вы можете изменять размеры объектов, вращать предметы, создавать стены под углом и т.д. Созданный план можно моментально просматривать в трехмерном виде, вращать, приближать.

Основными достоинствами программы являются:
• Кроссплатформенность. Sweet Home 3D может работать на компьютерах с операционными системами Windows, Linux, Mac OS и Solaris;
• Полная русификация;
• Легкое освоение и простота использования;
• Добавление расширений (plug-ins);
• Выгрузка (Экспорт) в OBJ формат;
• Импортирование 3DS файлов в Sweet Home 3D;

Sweet Home 3D - is the perfect tool for those who are trying to design their house because it practically allows you to try all your ideas absolutely free. You can also import new 3D models representing new furniture or accessories. Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application that helps you place your furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview.

Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application that helps you place your furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview. This program is aimed at people who want to design their interior quickly, whether they are moving or they just want to redesign their existing home. Numerous visual guides help you draw the plan of your home and layout furniture.


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Whats New:
- Added Invisible option to the Furniture materials pane to hide some parts of a piece of furniture.
- Made resizing of a piece of furniture with its resize indicator proportional when shift key is pressed.
- Moved the viewport of the plan only when selected objects become invisible at screen when they are moved with the keyboard.
- Changed the width of the rectangle of doors and windows in the plan to take into account the width of their doorOrWindowCutOutShape property when it's smaller.
- Added com.eteks.sweethome3d.resolutionScale system property to apply a scale factor to the user interface of Sweet Home 3D.
- Added a Java Web Start version able to display the user interface of Sweet Home 3D at a twice larger size for users with HiDPI screens under Windows and Linux.
- Added samplerAlgorithm and filter properties to the renderer properties that can be set for Sunflow.
- Fixed a bug that could enlarge uselessly the size of a SH3D file when the texture of a material was set to its default value or reused on an other object.
- Ensured walls created by Plan > Split wall menu item are at the same level as the split wall.
- Replaced visual properties set on a Home instance with simple String properties (developers are encouraged to replace calls to the deprecated getVisualProperty and setVisualProperty on a Home instance, by calls to getProperty and setProperty, because future file format might not save visual properties anymore).
- New icon and logo designed by madudesign.
- Modified installer program to delete old JREs at the end of installation process under Windows.
- Updated the digital signature used to signed the application with a SHA-2 signature.
- Replaced JRE 8u60 by JRE 8u74 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java under Windows.

ОС: Windows® XP, Vista, 7, 8.х, 10 (32/64-бит)
Интерфейс: Multilanguage + Русский
Лекарство: Не требуется
Размер: 45.5/213.7 Mb

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