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Adobe Audition CС Portable

5-12-2018, 12:27. Разместил: freder
Adobe Audition CС Portable

Один из cамых популярных пакетов профессионального уровня для работы со звуком - мощный аудиоредактор, многоканальный микшер и аудиорекордер, позволяющие записывать высококачественные многодорожечные аудиокомпозиции с микрофона или любого другого источника звукового сигнала, редактировать и обрабатывать многочисленными встроенными в программу эффектами как отдельные файлы, так и группы файлов, а также выполнять сведение, мастеринг и запись компакт-диска. Раньше эта программа называлась Cool Edit Pro, но ее купила и переименовала фирма Adobe.

The essential tool for professional digital audio. With Adobe Audition you can easily create music, produce radio spots, and restore imperfect recordings. With Adobe Audition you can record, mix, edit, and master digital audio files with powerful tools that bring flexibility and control to your desktop studio. Easily create music, produce radio spots, and restore imperfect recordings. Bring audio and video together using smart integration with Adobe video applications. Get professional results in real time with Adobe Audition software.


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Waveform editing tools:
· Quickly mix files together by dragging clips and controlling automatic crossfades with on-clip handles.

Editing options for grouped clips:
· Save time and maintain consistency by grouping clips in Multitrack View, and then trimming and applying fades to them simultaneously.

VST Plug-In Manager:
· Enable and disable VST plug-ins more easily.

Batch saving of multiple audio files:
· Save multiple audio files faster with this new command. Simply specify the file format, location, filename template, and more, and these parameters are applied to each file in the batch.

Ability to duplicate tracks:
· In Multitrack View, you can now duplicate an audio track for use in your mix.

Improved I/O meter display:
· See level meters that are in use for the master track as well as for multiple input devices, and for multiple output devices.

Low-latency mixing engine:
· Enjoy rapid response as you record and mix with a powerful low-latency mixing engine.

ASIO, VST, DirectX, and ReWire support:
· Easily integrate Adobe Audition into your workflow thanks to broad support for industry formats and standards, including ASIO, VST, DirectX, and ReWire.

More than 50 audio effects and DSP tools:
· Work with more than 50 real-time audio effects including echo, flange, reverb, and more. Manipulate recordings with digital signal processing (DSP) tools, mastering and analysis tools, and audio restoration features.

Recordable parameter automation:
· Move volume, pan, and effects controls as you listen, and record changes to your mix in real time. Changes appear as editable envelopes in the timeline.

Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/10
Год выхода: 2018
Размер (7z): 124 Мб
архив не запаролен

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