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Starus FAT Recovery 2.8 Commercial / Office / Home ML/RUS

14-03-2018, 12:39. Разместил: vipdepbit
Starus FAT Recovery 2.8 Commercial / Office / Home ML/RUS

Starus FAT Recovery - программа для восстановления данных с USB, Flash - накопителей размеченных под FAT файловую систему. Восстановит не только отдельные файлы с разрушенного тома, но и эффективно реанимирует всю файловую структуру расположения данных флеш-накопителя. По завершению процесса сканирования программа создает новую файловую систему с нуля, с прежней структурой расположения файлов и папок.

Возможности FАT Recovery:
- Восстановление данных съемных носителей информации под управлением файловых систем FAT12, FAT16 и FAT32
- Восстановление USB Flash-накопителей созданных изначально под FAT файловой системой и впоследствии переформатированных в NTFS разделы
- Восстановление сильно поврежденной, удаленной или форматированной логической FAT структуры расположения файлов и папок
- Создание виртуальных образов дисков для гарантированной сохранности данных и последующего безопасного восстановления
- Сохранение на жесткий диск, запись на CD / DVD носитель, создание ISO образа, сохранение файлов на сервер по FTP протоколу

As the name suggests, Starus FАT Recovery is designed to recover files from storage media formatted with variations of the FAT file systems. The tool supports media formatted with FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and exFAT. It is fully capable of recovering information from magnetic hard drives, SSD drives and all types of flash-based media including memory cards, USB pen drives and many types of digital cameras and MP3 players that can be connected to the PC and mounted as a drive letter.


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Deleted a file from the Recycle Bin or used Shift+Del? The tool’s high-performance data recovery algorithms allow quickly undeleting a file in just seconds if you use the Quick mode. In Quick Scan mode, Starus FАT Recovery analyzes the entire file system in a moment, displaying the list of recently deleted files in a matter of seconds.

Formatted a USB flash drive or got a corrupted, unreadable or inaccessible memory card? The Comprehensive Analysis mode uses a thorough low-level procedure based on signature search, literally carving files out of the binary mess.

Using Starus FАT Recovery is made easy thanks to the use of a step by step, fully guided recovery wizard. The entire recovery process is split into a few simple steps allowing you to select the original storage device, specify analysis method and choose how and where the tool should be saving the recovered files.

Starus FАT Recovery offers a visual pre-recovery preview, allowing you to view many types of files before recovering.

- Near-instant recovery of deleted files;
- Comprehensive analysis mode returns more recoverable data than competition;
- Surefooted file recovery of type FAT of file system or storage media;
- Comprehensive analysis mode locates files by their content, scans entire disk surface;
- Fixes corrupted disk system structures;
- Completely refurbishes badly damaged partitions;
- Rebuilds corrupted and overwritten file systems from scratch;
- Recovers partition tables and MBR records;
- Recovers files and folders from damaged, inaccessible, repartitioned disks;
- Supports all types of storage media;
- Explorer-like user interfaces allows browsing deleted files and folders just like Windows Explorer.

Supported Storage Media
Starus FАT Recovery supports all types of magnetic and solid-state storage media, including hard drives, USB drives, memory cards or all types of type FAT of file system. Certain MP3 players and digital cameras are supported directly if connected to a PC with a USB cord.

Starus FAT Recovery 2.8 Commercial / Office / Home ML/RUS

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2018
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Многоязычный + Русский
Лекарство: keygen-RadiXX11
Размер файла: 14.00 MB

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